About Us
We exist for regular, every day people who are interested in who Jesus Christ is and what believing in Him really means for life today.
Our Values:
- Biblical Teaching and Preaching – That the teaching and preaching of our church not merely quote scripture, or find inspiration from scripture, but make scripture relevant to life today.
- Reflective Worship – That the worship of our church reflect the hearts of our people in style and temperament, to enable everyone to express their heart to God.
- Family Atmosphere – That everyone of any age, race, or background can feel as welcome at MCN as if they were a family member.
Family Focused Ministry
Children’s Ministries
Adult Discipleship
We believe in calling children up into the life of the church; it’s one of the few places in our culture kids don’t have to be separated out into age groups, but can be as much a part of the whole as the “grown-ups.” Don’t be surprised if you’re greeted at the door by a five year old with a smile instead of a fifty year old. Kids at MCN participate in our services just as much as the adults do; singing, reading, serving, and more.
Moms and dads, whether single, blended, or traditional are on equal standing at MCN. Each has unique challenges, and unique insights to offer as we grow in faith together.
Singles are celebrated as a part of the church family; whether young or old, widowed, divorced, or unmarried. No one is a second rate member of the family!
That means we celebrate seniors too. Their insights and experiences are blessings that enrich the church as a whole.
We believe it is important for children learn more about God, the Bible, and our beliefs in ways that they can relate to and understand.
Prior to our worship service we have Sunday school with classes for each age group; from 4 yrs to 6th grade.
In addition to including them in the worship service in various ways, we also offer children’s church for kids from 4 yrs to 12th grade. The children are dismissed from the worship service to attend.
On Wednesdays after school we have a Bible quizzing program for kids from 1st to 6th grade. This is a great opportunity for the kids to learn more about God’s word as well as meet other kids from around Kansas through quiz meets held throughout the year.
We also offer nursery services for children from newborn to 3 years. The nursery is staffed with personnel trained to care for your most precious gift.
We believe that every service or event we hold should be an opportunity for a person’s life to be changed for the better. And we believe that holds true regardless of age, family, marital status, or background.
Adults have multiple opportunities to learn and grow every week at MCN.
Sunday mornings at 9:45 you can find adults gathered to learn and apply the Bible to their lives; whether as young adults navigating careers, marriages, or parenting, on up to “silver seniors” enjoying grand-kids and great-grands.
Our worship service Sunday mornings at 10:45 is designed to help you refocus, recharge, and jump-start spiritual growth whether you’re just exploring what faith means or you’re a Bible scholar.
Wednesday nights small groups of adults meet across our community to grow in faith together. This is where the church lives out its mission to be Jesus in our community, serving, caring for, and blessing one another and their neighbors.
Steve Weller
Pat Shelton
Dana Hansen
Rev. James Strickland

Steve is our lead usher. On most Sundays he will be the first face that you see as you walk in the building. Steve is always happy to help you find your way around, or to a comfortable place to sit for the service. If you need a guide, Steve’s here for you.
Pat’s our office secretary, and she keeps the wheels turning from day to day. If you call the church during the week, odds are good Pat’s the one you’ll talk to. She’s always happy to help if you have questions about upcoming events or need to connect with someone in the church.
Dana is our Children’s Ministries director. She oversees our children’s ministries from nursery through 6th grade. She coordinates our kid’s Bible quizzing teams, Sunday School, Children’s Church, and our various kid/family events and outings. She is also our tech-master extraordinaire.
Pastor James is our lead pastor, working to help every person, young or old, great or small, to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our beliefs are in accord with the Church of the Nazarene and the Manual in which we express our understanding of biblical truth.
Meade Church of the Nazarene is a 501c3 nonprofit, registered in the US #48-6189524